
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hard Candy Fox in a Box - Skinny Dipping Bronzer Duo Review with Photos and Swatches

Fox in a Box - Skinny Dipping Blush Bronzer

Hard Candy's face product includes a line of products that come in a "box" - much like those of Benefit blushes and bronzers. Specifically, Hard Candy has two variations; in this line, Fox in a Box, you will find either a blushing quad or a bronzer duo. Though this particular box, Skinny Dipping, is obviously a duo, I would not say that this is an obvious choice for bronzer. In this boxed powder, there is an almost straight up orange shade and a bronze-y shade with strong red/orange undertones. I cannot think of a skin tone that can easily make use for this as a contour or a all over sunkissed glow kind of bronzer, because of the shimmer in both shades and the red undertones. The reason I purchased this was because I did not have anything like this in my collection and my intentions for this was for blush. Whether you choose to mix both the shades together or to use either of them individually, the result is probably very different than what you have can achieve from other products in your collection. 

The orange shade is actually very bright so if you are choosing to use this by itself (without mixing with the brown shade), it is important that you use a very light hand because the product is actually very pigmented.

Fox in a Box - Skinny Dipping Blush Bronzer

Fox in a Box - Skinny Dipping
Left: both shades mixed, bronzer, orange side

Fox in a Box - Skinny Dipping Blush Bronzer

XO Nicole