Here is part one of my spring empties series! Let's start with the "boring" stuff first.
Softsoap Milk Protein & Honey Body Wash & Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Radiant - Nothing special about these products. They both smell great but the scents don't last. The funny thing about the Softsoap body wash is that the soap itself is a gooey/slimey consistency that you can actually throw it up in the air and catch it in your hand and it would still be one long blob. It's pretty fun but weird at the same time.
Dr. Bronner's Organic Peppermint Lip Balm - I enjoyed this lip balm. It is moisturizing and is made up of all organic ingredients. The scent however, I am not too crazy about. The peppermint is a bit too strong for me. I would repurchase this in a differnt scent. Also, because this is very moisturizing, it leaves my lips looking more glossy than I usually perfer it to be, so I wouldn't mind trying something that is just as moisturizing but absorbs more quickly into the lips! It does a great job though.
Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve - I really enjoyed this hand lotion. It has eucalyptus in it so it's soothing as well as very moisturizing. This was a real saviour for me during the winter. It does absorb into your skin better than the average hand cream and even though it has a thicker consistency, you do not need a whole lot. The only thing that is keeping me from buying a full sized tube this is that it does contains parabens.
La Senza Hello Sugar! - I do not believe that they sell this at La Senza anymore but I bought this when and I was just getting into perfumes and this was on a 40% off sale. This reminds me of a much cheaper version of Aquolina's Pink Sugar. I am so glad to be done this because it just smells cheap – nice but cheap.
XO Nicole