
Friday, December 30, 2011

Urban Decay NAKED Palette & Sephora Lipgloss Haul

I wonder...
This post is honestly really overdue because even though I did get the UD Naked Palette way late than everybody else, like a year later, ie. the mid 2011 (it was not just recently - give me some credit here!). I had to track this down when Sephora still was selling out. Looking at when I took these pictures, it says it was around July that I got the palette.

I know to post this right after NAKED2 has come out..

Anyway, I thought I'd just share the pictures (since I've took pictures of them and tagged them already) to maybe remind everyone how much nicer the first Naked palette packaging is compared to Naked2,

By the way, not to take away from the Naked, but for all my Canadian ladies, "Shoppers & the Shopping Channel should have Naked2 early February"! In the meantime, ... appreciate the original palette!! :)

Oh, and I picked up a coral-y/peachy lipgloss with during the same visit to Sephora.

 XO Nicole