
Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Resolutions

I always try to make New Year resolutions but I never stick to them - it is just so hard to! Every year is the same though, lose weight, be healthier, be more organized, do not procrastinate, cherish each moment .. but you just get caught up in the moment you know? Well, as I get older, I am slowly freaking out as I am terrified of aging so I realize that time is my worst enemy. I have got to stick out my resolutions because they all go to bettering myself and in turn, affecting those around me.

While I am not going to go into making my gigantic list of resolutions, I will mention one thing that is 'blog' related: I am going on a "makeup prohibition". The amount of $$ I've spent this past year on makeup has been insane. Looking back at it all really disgusts me; yes, my love and addiction for makeup is just constantly growing, but as I am getting older, I have to set my priorities straight. In the Fall of next year, I will be beginning my senior year of university and if I want to go to graduate school, and I should mention, in the states (this is significant as international students tuition fees are like a billion times more), I have to start living start and prioritizing things that matter. I understand this is probably the worst thing to happen to a beauty-centered blog ... I might as well just put this thing on hiatus right? Nope. I still have a lot of new makeup (purchased this past year remember?) to review and do swatches up. Until those run out, then this blog will be a ghost town... which should not be totally unusual as it is during the semester and especially exam season..

This is really going to be something. Let's see how it goes - whatever happens, I am determined to stick to my promises and resolutions though. See, I'm prioritizing already! :)

XO Nicole